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If you knew my life ...

Today, 36 years, my body is destroyed: prostitute, beaten and raped. Today, drugs, sex and things that I put in my body left me destroyed. My muscles were all released and I am prone to leaks at all orifices. I drag and shall permanently large coverage should I change every two hours because of leaks and odors. I have no life of woman, no man want me when he sees the extent of damage, especially along handle my multiple infections. I live only for drugs and for my family that I know nothing but spoiled. God only knows how this will end. They put me in the shit and now I'm fighting alone, I can not go. I can not explain the marks on my body and I might run out of drugs. Here I have my habits and my clients. I'm here because the person I considered my mother sold my virginity. "

Lolita is Nigerian and has only 26 springtime when the evidence is collected. His career is a perfect illustration of the plight of thousands of African women. Prostitution has made her a junkie and an alcoholic that AIDS rushed into the arms of the Grim Reaper.

"If only I knew what to expect in this crazy world, this world that everyone admires, this world where everybody wants to come, [...] A world in which we African prostitutes, are considered like shit, slaves who were made to eat feces and drink urine. It is normal for the sick, perverse, rich people use their power and money to do things as serious human beings.

They say that we are consenting adults then. It's false because nobody has asked my opinion before I throw this shit. I was forced and threatened. And if we are adults, what happens to children who are in these environments? Children of all ages. And the younger they are, the more they are expensive. These are not the poor who can pay such enormous sums, their salaries are not sufficient ...
